1、中华预防医学会首届健康保险专业委员会 副主任委员 秘书长 2016.9-
2、中国医疗保险研究会 常务理事 2017.6-
3、全国公立医院院长职业化建设专家委员会委员 2016.10-
4、国家卫健委卫生技术评估重点实验室 学术委员会委员2013.10-
5、中国卫生经济学会 医疗保险经济专业委员会 常务委员 2013.11-
6、中国社会保障学会 医疗保障专业委员会 常务委员 2016.5-
7、中国医疗保健国际交流促进会 健康保障分会 常务理事 2016.7.9-
8、国家卫健委人才交流中心 全国医养结合领域专家 2017.11-
1.欧洲DRGs——医院通往透明、高效、品质的必由之路 ISBN 978-7-117-29188-0 北京:人民卫生出版社 2019.12 48万字 (冷家骅 等主译 于保荣 等副主译)
2.长期照护制度:国际经验与国内政策与实践 北京:中国金融出版社 2018年8月 ISBN 978-7-5049-9497-4
3.中国医疗保险发展宏观分析报告 北京:中国劳动社会保障出版社 ISBN 978-7-S167-2818-5 2016年10月
4.主要国家和地区非营利性医疗机构法律规定研究 北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社 2015.4 ISBN 978-7-5663-1276-1
5.农村老年人日常生活照顾服务需求与供给研究 济南:山东大学出版社 2012.12 ISBN 978-7-5607-4711-8
6.医疗服务成本及价格体系研究 济南:山东大学出版社 2012.12 ISBN 978-7-5607-4710-1
7. 医改之路:国际经验与支付方式 山东大学出版社 2009年8月ISBN 978-7-5607-3935-9
Baorong Yu, MD, MPH, Ph.D, Professor of Health economics & Policy, the School of Insurance, the University of International Business and Economics (China).
He is the Executive Deputy Director of the Health Insurance and Health Economics Research Center.
His research fields include health system reform, health policy and economics, social and commercial health insurance, health care costing/pricing and payment, long-term care system, economic uation for health projects, e-health, etc.
He used to work in the Planning and Finance Department of the Ministry of Health, as a national senior technical officer of the World Health Organization representative office in China, and an associate professor and professor at Shandong University (director of the Institute of Health Economics). He is currently an expert in the fields of economic uation of drug catalog adjustment adjustments of the National Medical Insurance Administration, DRG and DIP medical insurance payment, 14th Five-Year Plan research and tracking, medical insurance fund supervision, medical service price project specification expert, and long-term care insurance. In 2019, the official media "China Health" and "Health News" commissioned by the Medical Reform Office of the State Council passed big data screening and were rated as "the most concerned medical reform expert in 2019".
He successively obtained a bachelor's and master's degree in medicine from Shandong Medical University (now Shandong University), and a doctorate in medical economics from Tokyo Medical and Dental University. He used to work in the Department of Planning and Finance of the Ministry of Health, as a national senior technical officer of the World Health Organization representative office in China, and an associate professor and professor at Shandong University (director of the Institute of Health Economics). He is currently an expert in the fields of economic uation of drug catalog adjustment of the National Medical Insurance Administration, DRG and DIP medical insurance payment, 14th Five-Year Plan research and tracking, medical insurance fund supervision, medical service price project specification expert, and long-term care insurance.
He has worked for the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the European Commission, the Australian Development Agency, the Asian Development Bank and other international organizations, as well as the National Health Commission, the National Medical Insurance Administration, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the China Medical Insurance Research Association, China Insurance Industry Association, China Insurance Regulatory Commission, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, etc. acted as consultants or experts.
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